
How can I reduce any additional cost for CNC Prototyping?

  • Use inner radii at the corners of your designs and avoid designs with sharp internal corners.
  • Design all components with standard sizes if possible. For example, it is more affordable and economical to produce parts 10 meters tall than 10.5 meters, as the latter involves manual input.
  • Avoid deep pockets in your design as it removes much of the material resulting in additional cost.
  • Make sure to design parts without drafting.
  • Reduce the number of angles and sides the part must be machined by simplifying its design. The cost of part machining would increase with additional angles, axes, and sides.

How is the cost of my CNC prototype project calculated?

Any CNC prototype project will cost more or less depending on the type of material used, the cost of the material, the amount of time needed to process the material, the type of tolerances required, if hole tapping is necessary, and the surface texture desired.

Is CNC prototype machining the best way to develop prototypes?

The material for the task, the prototype’s structural soundness requirements, and other criteria all play a significant role in the decision to use machined tooling for your work. However, CNC prototype machining is one of the ideal solutions if you want the prototype to be highly durable and identical to the final product.